Looking Great for Summer 2021 - Big River Silk Skincare
by George Woodbury Jr MD (05/24/2021)
It’s June 2021, and many of us are wanting to look our best for the Summer. Maybe we have oily skin, or combination skin, or dry skin, and we’re in need of a newer cleanser or moisturizer.
I come from a family of four Board-certified Dermatologists, with over 150 combined years of the practice of Dermatology, so in 2016, after over 25 years of practicing as a Board-certified Dermatologist Memphis TN, I decided to become President of an organic skincare manufacturer and distributor – Big River Silk Skincare Inc.
Big River’s flagship products are the GlycoShea® Creams, which combine the anti-wrinkle properties of an Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA) called Glycolic Acid with the moisturizing properties of Shea Butter, a natural product of the Shea Tree. We offer GlycoShea Facial&Neck Cream, GlycoShea Hand&Body Cream/Standard Strength, and GlycoShea Hand&Body Cream/High Strength. They’re now available both in Memphis, Tennessee, and also nationally, across the U.S., and Canada, through Big River Silk Skincare Inc.. of which I am the President (www.Bigriversilkskincare.com).
And if you have oily skin, combination skin, or dry skin, and you’re in search of a better skin cleanser, perhaps one that’s organic, or fragrance-free, or free of propylene glycol and formadehyde, consider River Silk Skincare’s AmberSoy® Soap Gel, made from Refined Soybean Oil, with some of the purest natural water in the United States, from the Memphis Sands. AmberSoy adapts itself well as a face mask: applied 2-10 minutes before washing it off, for a really deep clean.
The good news is that Big River Silk Skincare’s GlycoShea Creams and AmberSoy Soap Gel are now available for both pick-up at our company headquarters, 8143 Walnut Grove Road, Cordova TN 38018, Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM (901-753-0168), or through www.Bigriversilkskincare.com,
GlycoShea® Facial&Neck Cream: 1 ounce ($39.95), 2 oz ($59.95), 8 oz ($179.95).
GlycoShea® Hand&Body Cream/Standard Strength: 1 oz ($19.95), 2 oz ($29.95 ), 8 oz ($139.95)
GlycoShea® Hand&Body Cream/High Strength: 1 oz ($29.95 ), 2 oz ($44.95 ), 8 oz ($159.95)
AmberSoy® Soap Gel, available in NFA (No Fragrance Added) or Lemon or Mint: 1 oz ($12.95); 2 oz ($18.95), and 8 oz ($59.95).
Note: $5.00 USPS shipping and handling; but free shipping and handling for U.S. total orders over $40.00 ($10.00 shipping and handling for Canadian orders; free Canadian shipping and handling for orders over $75.00).
And if you have a significant skin condition, like Acne Rosacea, Acne Vulgaris, Seborrheic Dermatitis, or Psoriasis, consider getting evaluated by a Board-certified Dermatologist. My own Dermatology practice these past 30 years has been with Rheumatology and Dermatology Associates (www.Rheumderm.com; 1-901-753-0168). Or you can find one of the United States’ over 13,700 Board-certified Dermatologists at the American Academy of Dermatology web site, AAD.org. Just plug your zip code into the ‘Find a Dermatologist’ tab, and voila, you have many options.
Check out Big River Silk Skincare’s weekly blog on organic and natural skincare, at www.Bigriversilkskincare.com.
George Woodbury Jr. M.D. (05/23/2021)
Board-certified Dermatologist at Rheumatology and Dermatology Associates PC
8143 Walnut Grove Road
Cordova TN 38018
www.Rheumderm.com; Info@rheumderm.com