Tips on Great Smiles, from Big River Silk Skincare's Dermatologist
Let’s face it: your smile is pretty important. It’s your gateway to the world and a big asset in building relationships. Managing your stress level with ample amounts of aerobic exercise helps to build a radiant smile.
Dermatologists like me spend a lot of time helping our patients with their smiles. Injectable fillers and Botox are options for some, and there are many simpler measures, too:
One of the best moves you can make is to be careful by limiting exposure to UV or Ultraviolet light – from the sun and tanning salon bulbs. Use of sunscreens and avoiding midday sun are wise moves.
But what about wrinkles from prior exposure to the sun? After talking to patients for years about wrinkle-reducing measures, I became President of Big River Silk™ Skincare Inc., to design, manufacture, and distribute anti-wrinkle skincare products to help people improve their smiles:
Our GlycoShea™ Creams contain an organic anti-wrinkle Alpha-hydroxy Acid called Glycolic Acid, first discovered in sugarcane and pineapple.

The GlycoShea line of creams also improve skin texture and tone, being free of dyes, perfumes, formaldehyde, and sulfates, being made from Refined Shea Butter and some of the purest natural water in the United States, from the Memphis Sands:

Our AmberSoy™ Soap Gel lines are excellent cleansers for people with oily skin or combination skin, because being a gel, the AmberSoy products can be used as a face mask, being left on for 3-10 minutes, prior to washing off, leaving you with a really deep clean:
Vanicream® Gentle Facial Cleanser is a helpful cleanser for people with dry skin, being fragrance-free ($11.95). We also provide Vanicream® Bar Soap ($3.95), both gentle and free of propylene glycol, dyes, and perfumes.
Big River Silk Skincare also offers a fragrance-free, zinc oxide-based sunscreen: Vanicream Sunscreen Sport SPF 35. Vanicream is notable for being water-resistant, so it’s much less likely to run into a person’s eyes with active outdoors activities. 4 oz: $17.95.
Big River Silk Skincare also offers several skincare “kits,” for extra savings, with for instance GlycoShea Facial&Neck Cream with AmberSoy Cleanser and a smooth lip ointment: HypoShea™ Moisturizer Cream. Check us out at
All of Big River Silk Skincare’s products are available for pick-up at 8143 Walnut Grove Road, Cordova TN 38018, Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM (1-901-753-0168). $5.00 U.S.P.S. shipping/handling for orders under $40.00/ complimentary above $40.00.
George Woodbury Jr. M.D.
Board-certified Dermatologist at Rheumatology&Dermatology (
President of Big River Silk Skincare (
8143 Walnut Grove Road
Cordova TN 38018