Moisturizers For Dry Skin
George Woodbury MD 1/26/2023

In 2016, after years of practicing as a Memphis Dermatologist, in Cordova, Tennessee, I became President of Big River Silk Skincare™ Inc., manufacturer and/or distributor of three novel organic moisturizers – HypoShea™ Moisturizer Cream, Robathol®, and Vanicream Ointment. Let me explain how these products can help to rejuvenate your skin:

First, HypoShea is a blend or emulsion of Refined Shea Butter with some of the purest natural water in the United States, from the Memphis Sands, with no added fragrances nor perfumes, no dyes, no propylene glycol, no emulsifiers, no sulfates, no formaldehyde, and no parabens. It’s both natural and organic, derived from the nuts of an African tree. HypoShea makes a useful under eye cream and lips moisturizer, and it can also be used on the body, for instance after bathing.
1 oz ($12.95), 2 oz ($18.95), and 8 oz ($39.95).

My second tip is the helpful lubricating properties of Robathol Oil, a fragrance-free and sulfate-free blend of Refined Cottonseed Oil with a mild preservative. Robathol is quite useful as a moisturizer for children and adults with Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) and Psoriasis, but also really for anyone with generally dry skin or combination skin.
16 oz: $29.95

A third really useful product is Vanicream Ointment. This makes a really thick and helpful lubricant to help people with perleche, a really dry flaky and sometime fissured lips condition, sometimes resulting lips cracking and bleeding. Vanicream Ointment can also be used as a bedtime hands moisturizer, for instance for people with hand eczema.
2.5 oz: $21.95.

Big River Silk Skincare’s products are available for purchase on-site at Big River Silk Skincare’s International Headquarters, at 8143 Walnut Grove Road, Cordova, TN 38018, Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM (1-901-753-0168). Or these products can also be purchased through our web site: (free USPS shipping for orders over $40.00; Canadian over $75.00).
If you or a family member has an actual skin condition – like acne, eczema (atopic dermatitis), or psoriasis – consider getting evaluated by a Board-certified Dermatologist. My own Memphis Dermatology practice these past 30 years has been with Rheumatology and Dermatology, 8143 Walnut Grove Road, Cordova TN 38018 (1-901-753-0168; Or you can find a Dermatologist closer to you by going to the American Academy of Dermatology web site – Simply plug your zip code into the “Find a Dermatologist” tab.